Fixing Google Search Console warnings

When managing your site in Google Search Console as a verified owner, you may get warnings. They are simply suggestions for website data improvement, and your store is still being indexed. In this article, we describe the most frequent Google Search Console warnings specific to stores on our platform and how to handle them in order to improve your site’s SEO.

Once you fix the warnings, ask Google to recrawl your URLs to see the updated data.

Unlike warnings, errors that you see in Google Search Console can affect your store indexation. To fix them, read error descriptions in Google Help Center and in the Console itself.

Missing field “sku”

SKUs, or Stock Keeping Units, are identifiers used for tracking inventory. To avoid the missing field “sku” warning, make sure you:

  • Specify SKU on the product page in Catalog → Products:


  • Display SKUs on the product details pages in your store. For that, go to DesignSidebar and tick the Product SKU box.

Missing field “description”

If some product in your catalog doesn't have a description, then the missing field “description” warning will appear. To avoid this warning, make sure all your products have the “Description” section filled out on the product page in Catalog → Products.

Missing field “url”

We generate the "url" data for Instant Site and for stores added to Wix and WordPress sites. If you run your store on one of these platforms, yet you see the missing field “url” warning, ask Google to recrawl your URLs.

In case your store is added to sites created with other site builders, then we don't generate the "url" data. This means that you cannot eliminate the missing field “url” warning. As the "url" data isn't so important, you can ignore the warning.

Missing field “priceValidUntil”

The missing field “priceValidUntil” warning implies that the price of your products does not have an expiration date (e.g., that the price is valid until a certain date). Your store does not support such product characteristics, so you can safely ignore it.

Missing field “brand” and No global identifier provided (e.g., gtin, mpn, isbn)

The missing field “brand” and no global identifier provided warnings mean that you don’t have brand and/or global product identifiers like GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), MPN (Manufacturer Part Number), or ISBN (International Standard Book Number) specified for your product.

These fields are optional, especially if you are not a manufacturer. However, you can add UPC, Brand, and other identifiers as custom attributes for each product from your store admin → Catalog → Products → Edit Product → Attributes.

Learn more about product attributes

Make sure your attributes are not marked as hidden.

Missing field “review” and Missing field “aggregateRating”

The missing field “review” and missing field “aggregateRating” warnings imply that your products don’t have reviews or ratings.

Currently, there is no built-in tool for collecting ratings and reviews in your store. However, you can install the HelpfulCrowd app from the App Market. After the app is installed, you will be able to collect reviews and ratings for your products, and the corresponding structured data will be generated, so Google bots can read it.

As a result, the product will have rich snippet star ratings in the Google search results:


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